Olenka and the Autumn Lovers live @ the Biltmore

Here is some video of the most recent Olenka and the Autumn Lovers show. Enjoy!

Austra live @ Biltmore


China Beach: A hotel in the woods!

Here is a photo of when the sun shone through on our campground in China Beach, near Sooke, BC.  This was a magical, uplifting and hangover curing moment for all those witness to it. Check out China Beach (http://www.explorevancouverisland.com/China_Beach_Vancouver_Island_BC.htm) if you need a close getaway by the ocean. Lots of campsites, cool forestry, and sandy beaches!

Raw Canvas

This spring Jax, Bear, Paul, and me went to Raw Canvas! What a great place! http://rawcanvas.com/ We started with wine and appys. The appy plate consisted of st.maure caprifeuille( [france (loire valley) : goat: raw, dense and creamy, exhibiting a pleasant tartness), riopelle ([quebec: cow: raw]
tangy, chalky, silky, creamy, buttery), smokehouse cheddar ([bc (armstrong): cow actually smoked, so the smoke flavour is subtle) and a variety of crackers. We devoured it!
We then decided to take on the raw canvas bestowed upon us courtesy of www.groupon.com. The wine made us courageous, bold, and a little tipsy but we were up for the challenge! The final products were nothing short of hilarious when Jax unveiled her "gentle thrust" painting to us. It still hangs on our wall and it still makes me laugh every time I see it. Bear perfected the imprint of her gentle namesake and crafted a fun little painting, while Paul's painting was an insight into his perception of 'self.' I painted a valley which came out as very moody (like me!!!). Needless to say, its a fun time and you should try it out!

The thrust

Moody Valley

my latest painting (first painting in YEARS)

I am amazed by crows. The way they communicate, the way they wait patiently for the right moment to seize your sushi, and the way they look. What a majestic bird, well maybe that is going a little too far but hey I like em! It is because of this respect that I felt the need to paint one, so I "borrowed" a canvas from Jax (and paint and brushes and easel and even the chair I sat on) and painted away. This is what came of it!

Car Free Vancouver Day June 19

Today was the first car free day commercial drive of 2011 and it was soooo much better than ever! I say this because for the first time since I can remember, I was able to walk around freely without leaning on or bumping into or accidentally stepping on other people. This made all the difference as my group was able to enjoy the great music, take in the smokey smells and take time to read into who and why people were there.
When you first enter the car free zone, you are instantly bombarded with smells, sounds and sights. This is what you came for. @ the Libra room, there were the smooth sounds of the blues wailing from guitars, saxophones, and drums, smells of salted sardine san
dwiches being bbq'd and and the sights of hundreds of smiling faces as we all were there for the party! I personally love music (don't we all!) and there was no better place to get some. All of the musicians were in cheerful mood as they sang and played their instruments. There is something about playing for free and to a varied audience that brings out the uniqueness of each musician. For example, there was a gypsy band playing and you could feel their music in the street as they had people dancing all around them. There was also a small group of latin dancers who performed their sensual moves to us and then there was that brave young lady who without the aid of her own music but using the sounds of the festival, tap danced for us all! It was great!
We then made it to the Safe Amp Stage! There was a great info booth, great bands, and a really smokey sardine smell hovering all around us. We were fortunate enough to see Stefana Fratila http://www.myspace.com/stefanafratila 
 Her music is unique, quirky, classy and a little eerie which is perfect for me since I love to hear the artist have a voice in their music. To be able to tell you a story without giving you only one ending. Her music is like a book where you follow the antagonist blindly, honestly without consequence to how it will all end. That made no sense, sorry!

Next was just taking in all the propaganda tents, all the other great music, and good smells. After this I went to the Library!


The drive

Libra room

bikes on the drive

traveling gypsies


stefana fratila

Overall, I am excited for the upcoming car free festivals!

my eat! vancouver experience

I had the pleasure of partaking in Eat! Vancouver Saturday at the Vancouver Convention Centre with some good friends! Upon arrival, we were kinda thinking 'did I just pay $14 bucks plus $5 for a couple dog food vendors?  I personally am jealous of dog owners not being one myself. Dogs are the cutest, cuddliest little critters on the planet! My girlfriend would like a Border Terrier, they are cute! Here is a photo taken from the web... 
 I digress. Eat!Vancouver was great, lots of samples, lots of olives stuffed with jalapenos, great iced tea, super cheap ice cream and a spin to win Social shopper wheel (ahem!). As we got more comfortable asking for samples the scene got much better! In fact I ended eating so many samples that I didn't have to get diner. Especially after the amazing Thai fresh wrap from Gorilla Foods http://www.gorillafood.com/  Which was three collard greens leaf wraps filled with sprouted sunflower seed and veggie pate, sesame seasoned coleslaw and a side dip of raisin chutney. If looks could kill then this wrap would be knockin you dead but instead it has the goods in it to keep you livin!
There were other odd little booths as well, including http://abeego.ca/ which makes food storage solutions with a green twist! For under $20 I was able to take home three sheets of natural, reusable, eco-conscious food storage solutions created with hemp/cotton fabric infused with a blend of beeswax and plant extracts. I can't wait to properly store my cheese and leftovers!
Overall I was pleased with the amazing samples, smiling vendors, and beautiful convention centre. I shall and so shall you go the next time Eat! Vancouver comes fresh to Vancouver.

Keramikos display www.keramikos.com

windset farms www.windsetfarms.com

Gorilla Food www.gorillafood.com