Raw Canvas

This spring Jax, Bear, Paul, and me went to Raw Canvas! What a great place! http://rawcanvas.com/ We started with wine and appys. The appy plate consisted of st.maure caprifeuille( [france (loire valley) : goat: raw, dense and creamy, exhibiting a pleasant tartness), riopelle ([quebec: cow: raw]
tangy, chalky, silky, creamy, buttery), smokehouse cheddar ([bc (armstrong): cow actually smoked, so the smoke flavour is subtle) and a variety of crackers. We devoured it!
We then decided to take on the raw canvas bestowed upon us courtesy of www.groupon.com. The wine made us courageous, bold, and a little tipsy but we were up for the challenge! The final products were nothing short of hilarious when Jax unveiled her "gentle thrust" painting to us. It still hangs on our wall and it still makes me laugh every time I see it. Bear perfected the imprint of her gentle namesake and crafted a fun little painting, while Paul's painting was an insight into his perception of 'self.' I painted a valley which came out as very moody (like me!!!). Needless to say, its a fun time and you should try it out!

The thrust

Moody Valley


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